Today, we have Shabitha from "My Home Kitchen" is with us. She is an Engineering graduate who works as Senior Business Analyst. She loves music and travel. Let us hear from her now...
Nithu's Kitchen : Tell us about you Shabitha.
Shabitha : I’m an Electronics and Communication Engineer, currently working as a Senior Business Analyst in the IT field. I was born in Coimbatore and brought up in Chennai. I moved to the US three years ago. I happily live here with my hubby and a sweet little daughter.
Nithu's Kitchen : What are your other interests apart from cooking?
Shabitha : Until college I used to participate in a lot of extracurricular activities, won a lot of prizes in speech, drama competitions etc., But after that never had the time to pursue any of my hobbies. I love to listen to music and watch movies especially the scary ones. Simply love travelling and partying…
Nithu's Kitchen : What made you to start a blog ?
Shabitha : I joined work soon after I finished college and was always busy. Was planning to create a blog and collect my recipes but never did it. After moving to the US, I was positioned in one of the most hectic project and had no time to relax. Life became so monotonous and very badly I wanted to do something interesting. Slowly started to take pictures of the dishes I cook and created my blog in Jan 2010 and released to outside in March 2010 Now I’m totally obsessed with my blog and finally have something for myself.
Nithu's Kitchen : When did you start to cook and how do you enjoy cooking?
Shabitha : I started to cook when I was 14, used to help my Mom and learned a lot of cooking from her. Slowly I grabbed the Sunday lunch slot from her. I enjoyed cooking Non vegetarian recipes and started to collect all sort of recipes since then. After marriage I have a real competition with my hubby..Should admit he is a great cook. Except biryani he can make all the dishes I make. Both of us enjoy cooking together. When a potluck is announced my friends surely get 2 dishes one from each of us !!!!
Nithu's Kitchen : What do you have today to share with us?
Shabitha : Today, I'm sharing the recipe for Mallidha
Nithu's Kitchen : Why did you select this?
Shabitha : I wanted to share this recipe because it is a different one and never heard of it until I got married. My daughter loves it a lot and easy to prepare too..
Ingredients :
Wheat Flour - 2 cups
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Grated Coconut - 1/2 cup
Salt - for Taste

Method :
1. Add water and salt to the wheat flour and mix it to chappati consistency.
2. Make small balls out of it and roll it like chappati.
3. Cut them into small square pieces using a knife.
4. Boil water in a vessel and add these pieces and allow it cook for 10-12 min.
5. Occasionally stir the pieces so that they don't get stuck to each other.
6. Once the pieces are cooked remove them from water. Drain excess water.
7. Place cooked pieces in a vessel and add the sugar and coconut.
8. Mix well and serve.
Nithu's Kitchen : Thank you so much Shabitha.
Friends, hope you enjoyed reading about Shabitha and her Mallidha recipe. If you are interested to be featured as Nithu's Kitchen's Guest, Please do mail to
wow new dish. thanks for sharing dear
happy to know about shabitha...thanks for sharing the recipe.
Interesting dish.. and good to know abt u Shabitha.. Good going Nithu
Love this sweet. It is diff and unique. Nice to know more about shabitha!
A very interesting new dish, Glad to know more about you Shabitha..
Great job Nithu
Kairali sisters
Aaaah that's something new, as i started reading ingredients looks something like shakkarpada (minus coconut of course) and that coconut made me read till end.... thanks for sharing this, something new to try !
nice to know about Shabitha. Thank u shabitha 4 sharing a delicious recipe with us
Good to know about Shabitha.
Nice to know you Shabitha.Thank you for sharng a new and delicious dessert.
Glad to know more about Shabitha, love her blog..
Nice to know abt shabitha..Dessert looks delicious.
Nice work Nithu..
great to know more abt u Shabitha...very interesting...!
Easy n simple recipe...would love to give a try.
That is sooooooo good to know about Shabitha. Wow, that is a very interesting dish, sounds real simple and easy, never heard about it before.
nice to know about shabitha, unique dish looks great
nice to know more about Shabitha.. lovely recipe too.
Thats a really unique dish from Shabitha. It was really nice knowing about Shabitha..Great post, Nithu..
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