My buddy Aparna has sent me three awards yesterday. Thank you Dear for your love.

I would like to share all the three awards with few of my friends.
1. Devi of Freshers cookbook
2. Menaga of Sashiga
3. Oraphan of Easy Veggie
4. Preeti of Dreamy Delights
6. Neethu of Kitchen Express
7. Sushma of Authentic Food Delights
8. Deepa of Hamaree Rasoi
9. Padma of Padma's Recipes
10. Gita of Gita's Kitchen
11. Swati of Zesty South Indian Kitchen
12. Rahin of Lazzat
13. Siddhi of Cooked Dil se
Congrats! and wish many more to come.
congrats nithu for ur awards may u get mny more...thnx for sharing it wid me
congrats on all ur awards and just keep rocking.
Congratulations Nithu and thank you so much for passing them onto me
Congrats dear!
Congrats on all your awards Nithu. Wishes to get many more and thanks so much for sharing them all with me.
Congrats and belated B'day wishes :-)
Congrats Nithu!
Congrats Nithu... May u be blessed with many more....
Heyy new at ur space.. Cool template...
do drop by my hideout when time permits....
Congrats on your awards Nithu...thank you so much for passing it to me and making my day dear...take care :)
congrats on your well deserved awards dear...wish you many more to come..
Thank you Dear friends...
Congraz Nithu,hope lots more and more come your way this year...and thanks so much for sharing these with me as well,thats really thoughtful of you..
Congrats Chiththi...
Congratulations on all the well deserving awards dear!!:)... and thanks a ton for sharing all the awards with me:).. you made my day!:)
congrats on the awards, Nithu! very well deserved.
COngrats!!! and thanks so mcuh for passing on to me the awards :)
Congrats dear....
மிக்க நன்றி நிது!!ரொம்ப சந்தோஷமா இருக்கு.விருது பெற்ற உங்களுக்கும்,மற்றவர்களுக்கும் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!!
Congratulations on all your awards dear ....and thanks a ton for sharing them all with me.
Keep rocking !!!!!!
Congrats dear and wish u many more. Belated happy birthday too.
congrats dear!
Congratulations Neetu for the awards and so sweet of you for sharing it with me. Hey Many Many happy returns of the day....
Congratulations, Nithu! You really deserved all of these awards, I'm so happy for you. Thanks so much for sharing them with me, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Heartly Congratulations dear!!
congrats on your award and thank you so much for sharing this award with us.. so sorry for delay in accepting the award, we both were down with cold and flu so we were not that active in blog world
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