My dear buddy Jisha of Jisha's Kitchen has sent me one wonderful award "Smart Food Blogger". Thank you so much Dear :-) She has set two rules for the award and the rules are,
1. Thank the person who sent you the award.
2. Pass the award to your blogger friends.

I'm passing this award to few of my friends.
1. Simply. food of
2. Valar of Simple and Yummy Recipes
3. SE of Denufood
4. Vineetha of Ruchii
5. Raje of Raks Kitchen
6. Rachana of Veggi Fare
7. Pari of Food delicious
9. Sahana of Me N My Apron
10. Renuka of Love of cooking
Hey Nitu...Congratulations on the award and thanks so much for thinking of me for the award..appreciate it so much !!
Hey Nithu, Congrats! and thanks a lot for passing this to me:) Will update it soon:)
Hearty congrats dear! :)
Congrats on ur award!!!
Heartiest Congratulations on your lovely award......Keep up the good work.....
Best Wishes
Congrats on your award and thank you dear for sharing with me...
விருது பெற்ற உங்களுக்கும்,மற்றவர்களுக்கும் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!!
Congrats on awards
Congraz nithu...
Congratulations Nithu!!..
Congrats Nithu !! Thanks for the paavbjaji masala recipe..will try next time :-)
Congrats Neethu!
congrats on ur award and wishu many more and just keep rocking.
Congrats on all your well-deserved awards dearie :)
Congrats Nithu..
Many thanks for the lovely award its so cute.I really appreciate it very much.You have some good posts here and mouth watering recipes.
congrats nithu
Congrats nithuuuuuuuuuuuu.........!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats on ur awards, dear!
Congratulations Dear for well deserved award! Thanks alot for sharing with me..It means alot to me!
congratulation Nitu..
congrats dear
Thanks alot friend for passing this lovely award.
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